Mount Rogers Winter Naturalist Rally

Feburary 21-23, 2025

The core of the mountains come to life far earlier than most realize. Attend this “dead of winter” rally to see how life persists through harsh conditions, study snowflakes and ice phenomenon, the region’s earliest flower blooms, night skies and exposed geology.

Keynote Speaker

Join us for the Friday Night Keynote Speaker and learn about a fascinating natural history topic in the region.

Saturday morning Programs

  • Explore the surrounding area to see who has come from the great boreal forest and waterfowl areas to join our local residents making up our winter birds. Join avid local birder Bobby Riggs who knows all the best spots!

  • “Glaciers in the Blue Ridge”. Arthur Merschat, PhD, USGS will lead a short walk along the Creeper Trail to examine evidence of glaciers during the Neoproterozoic and discuss whether this was related to possible global glaciations.

  • Tiffany Leach with the Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Center (AWCC), located in Marion, Virginia, works to restore freshwater mussels in Virginia. It was established by the Virginia DWR and has successfully produced 40 species of freshwater mussels. These animals play an important role in improving water quality for our rivers. During the visit, you will see mussels at various ages and the aquaculture systems that serve as their temporary homes.

Saturday afternoon Programs

  • As Hurricane Helene strengthened in the southern Gulf of Mexico, a predecessor rain event (PRE) was impacting eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina with significant rainfall, saturating the soil of the region. After making landfall in Florida as a major hurricane, Helene tracked almost due north and caused major devastation in western North Carolina due to flooding and landslides, along with uprooted trees and the resulting power outages. Join Dr. Doug Miller as he discusses “The Unfolding of Helene as Witnessed by Two Gauge Networks in Western North Carolina”.

  • Ever wanted to make your own rope with materials you can find outside? Then this program is for you! Join Doug Meyers, who has spent his life working with primitive technologies, as he walks you through the process of making cordage!

  • Trees are the largest, oldest, and by some metrics the most complex living organisms on Earth. Join naturalist Mark Archibald for a gentle walk around the BRDC campus to learn about trees, winter tree identification using tree shape, bark, twigs, buds and leaf scars, and some of the many current threats to trees.

  • Join Dr. Phil Shelton, Emeritus Professor of Biology at UVA College at Wise, as he discusses the place of ferns in plant evolution, fern anatomy and life history, and identification of local ferns.

  • Road salt is a really powerful tool- it keeps roads and sidewalks safe in the winter. But when road salt runoff enters streams, it can cause enormous damage to the ecosystem and our infrastructure as well. Join Naturalist Educator, Brendan Murphy, for a short discussion on responsible road salt use followed by a field study where we will collect salinity measurements from four local streams.

Winter Rally Schedule


  • 4:00pm: Lodging Guest Check-In


  • 8:00am: Registration - Trip Selection Breakfast (Pre-registration Required)

  • 9:00am - 10:00 am: Guest Speaker and Youth Programs

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm: Morning Hikes and Youth Programs

  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm: Lunch (Pre-registration Required)

  • 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Afternoon Field Trips and Youth Programs

  • 3:00pm - 5:00pm: Afternoon Field Trips and Youth Programs


  • 11:00am: Lodging Guest Check-Out

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