Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally

May 9-11, 2025

Each spring, the mountain slopes come alive with delicate, short-lived blooms and the arrival of vibrant migratory songbirds. Join this rally in May to witness the burst of life and color firsthand.

Keynote Speaker

Join us for the Friday Night Keynote Speaker and learn about a fascinating natural history topic in the region.

Friday night Programs

  • Ever wanted to listen in on bats’ high-pitched vocalizations and echolocation? BRDC Naturalist educator, Brendan, will bring an ultrasonic microphone for a night hike in search of native bats on our campus. The EchoMeter will allow us to play back bat calls in the range of human hearing, and identify the species we come across by their unique frequency.

Saturday morning Programs

  • Maddie Cogar is an Assistant Nongame Fisheries Biologist with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR). She completed a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources and then continued her education in Missouri studying aquatic insect and fish response to varying restoration and conservation efforts. Here in the nongame and endangered fishes section of DWR she and her coworkers focus on conservation, management, preservation, and restoration to benefit present and future generations. Come catch, observe, and identify macroinvertebrates and learn about what makes them feel at home in Big Laurel Creek.

  • Karen Powers, PhD, Radford University, will check several hundred pre-set live traps in the woods surrounding BRDC in hopes of examining a sample of the small mammal diversity of the MRNRA. Join her program to see what she and her crew trap!

Saturday afternoon Programs

  • Jordon Blevins with DCR will discuss the different trees, plants, animals, and spring ephemeral species of a high elevation spruce and northern hardwood forest. We will hike the Twin Pinnacle trail loop that is approximately two miles long.

  • Join Nancy Adamson on a wildflower jaunt in Grindstone Campground. Expect an abundance of blooms. Bring a hand lens and a camera.

  • Learn to enhance your observational skills and record your experiences in the natural world. Artist Suzanne Stryk will share her drawing process by demonstrating how to make quick sketches and more sustained studies. Pencils, kneaded erasers, and paper are provided, or bring your own. Children under 12 are welcome if accompanied by an adult.

Saturday night Programs

  • We will adventure up to the top of Whitetop Mountain to listen for the various owl species that call this area home. Our top targets are Barred, Great Horned, and Eastern Screech owls. Bring a flashlight/headlamp, good shoes for walking in the woods, and an extra layer or two for the cool weather up on the mountain at night.

sunday morning Programs

  • If you want to add a nice walk to your nature study, join Mt. Rogers Appalachian Trail Club members Carol Broderson and Sharon Trumbley on an easy 2.5 mile hike from Whitetop to Elk Garden. Explore natural history and trail tales on one of the most beautiful trail sections in our area. This hike will mainly focus on the native wildflowers of the Blue Ridge. Sturdy shoes, rain coats, and water bottles are highly recommended.

  • Kevin Hamed, Professor of Biology, Virginia Tech. Explore the incredible salamander diversity of Whitetop Mountain. Whitetop Mountain is home to 15 plethodontid salamanders and we will have a chance to view several species.

Rally Schedule


  • 2:00pm: Guest Check-In

  • 4:00pm: Rally Registration

  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm: Dinner (Pre-registration Required)

  • 6:45pm: Rally Welcome & Announcements

  • 7:00pm: Featured Speaker & Youth Program

  • 8:30pm: Night Programs


  • 7:00am: Registration & Trip Selection; Breakfast (Pre-registration Required) & Coffee

  • 8:00am - 11:30am: Morning Field Trips & Youth Programs

  • 11:30am - 1:00pm: Lunch (Pre-registration Required)

  • 1:00pm - 4:30pm: Afternoon Field Trips & Youth Programs

  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm: Dinner (Pre-registration Required)

  • 7:00pm - 8:00pm: Youth Programs

  • 8:30pm: Night Programs


  • 7:00am - 8:00am: Breakfast (Pre-registration Required)

  • 8:00am - 11:00am: Morning Field Trips

  • 11:00am: Guest Check-Out

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Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets
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Naturalist Rally Raffle Tickets
from $5.00

1 Ticket for $5; 5 for $20; 20 for $40
Support tour Summer Camp Scholarships!
Winners will be drawn at 5:00 pm on Saturday. Must be present to win.
Raffle ticket sales cut-off time is 4:00pm on Saturday.


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