Garden Club Potluck Picnic
Garden Club is back for 2025, and looking for new members! Interested in native plants, or gardening across ecosystems? Join us to celebrate the spring equinox with a potluck picnic and the first Garden Club meeting.

Spring Butterfly Count
Join us for our Spring Butterfly Count through the North American Butterfly Association and contribute to community science!

Women's Flyfishing Course
Experienced anglers and beginners alike are invited to attend this course for women who love to fish!

Spring Wildflower Hike
Enjoy the first blooms of the year on a guided walk with BRDC staff.

Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally
Join us for our most treasured tradition—The Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally!

Nature Day Camp Session I
A perfect way for children to spend summer vacation exploring their natural curiosity, making new friends, and having fun!

Nature Day Camp Session II
A perfect way for children to spend summer vacation exploring their natural curiosity, making new friends, and having fun!

New River Expedition Camp
Join the BRDC crew for a true river expedition on this multi-day kayaking adventure!

Discovery Camp
Can’t decide between our summer camps? Get a taste for all things outdoors with our Discovery camp!

Wilderness Expedition Summer Camp
Our hallmark camp of the year, Wilderness Expedition is a true immersive experience in all things natural history.

Summer Butterfly Count
Member Event: Join us for our Summer BRDC Butterfly Count through the North American Butterfly Association!

Nature Day Camp Session III
A perfect way for children to spend summer vacation exploring their natural curiosity, making new friends, and having fun!

Mount Rogers Summer Naturalist Rally
Join us in exploring the Blue Ridge, at arguably the best time of year!

Fall Butterfly Count
Join us for our Fall Butterfly Count through the North American Butterfly Association and contribute to community science!

Mount Rogers Fall Naturalist Rally
Fall might just be our favorite time of year in the Blue Ridge. Find out why at the Fall Naturalist Rally!

Nature's Little Elf Workshop
It’s crafts, cocoa and cookies galore at our Nature’s Little Elf Workshop! After picking an elf name, children will have the opportunity to get hands-on with a variety of seasonal crafts. Elf costumes welcome!

New River Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count, organized by the Audubon Society, is a North American citizen science survey that runs from December 14th through January 5th each year. Information gathered during these counts helps us to better understand the health and status of bird populations.
Each year, Blue Ridge Discovery Center heads up to the New River CBC, centered around Sparta, NC. All ages and skill levels are welcome to participate! This event is free to all and we’ll make a full day of it.

Woodcock Walk - Rescheduled!
Join the Blue Ridge Birders for an evening walk to witness wonderful arial displays by the American Woodcock.

Mount Rogers Winter Naturalist Rally
Brave the cold and snow and discover the beauty that winter in the Blue Ridge has to offer.

NOLS Wilderness First Aid and CPR Course for Adults
Need Wilderness First Aid or CPR. Join us for the weekend to get certified!
Prepare for the unexpected with this engaging, hands-on introduction to wilderness medicine, taught over two days. If you like to take short trips relatively close to medical resources, work at wilderness camps, enjoy weekend family outdoor activities, or recreate outdoors, this course is for you.

Burke’s Garden Birding Trip
Burke's Garden is a rare valley bowl with a floor that rests at 3,000' while the encircling ridge rises to around 4,000'. It is located in Tazewell County, VA, where the Appalachian Trail skirts its southern rim. The 8.5 mile long and 4-mile wide valley is often referred to as "God's Thumbprint" for its distinctive shape.
The bowl is a beautiful pastoral landscape during the summer but in the winter it is equally impressive. During February it plays host to the rare wintering birds from the far north including the golden eagle and rough-legged hawk. We will coordinate travel to the valley with registered participants. Once in the valley, we will slowly work our way around in a large loop by vehicle, searching for birds along the way. With a little luck, we will have the opportunity to put scopes on multiple raptors on the tree lines or soaring about the farm fields. It also houses the regionally uncommon red-headed woodpecker.
Interested in joining us? Please contact Lisa Benish at lisa@blueridgediscoverycenter.org or (276) 388-3155. Additional information will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.
A potential February bird list for Burke's Garden includes:
Canada goose, American wigeon, American black duck, mallard, green-winged teal, wild turkey, great blue heron, black vulture, turkey vulture, golden eagle, northern harrier, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, bald eagle, red-tailed hawk, rough-legged hawk, killdeer, Wilson's snipe, rock pigeon, mourning dove, barred owl, belted kingfisher, red-headed woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, downy woodpecker, northern flicker, pileated woodpecker, American kestrel, loggerhead shrike, blue jay, American crow, common raven, horned lark, Carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, Carolina wren, eastern bluebird, American robin, northern mockingbird, European starling, dark-eyed junco, song sparrow, northern cardinal, red-winged blackbird, eastern meadowlark, common grackle, house finch, American goldfinch, & house sparrow

2024 New River Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count, organized by the Audubon Society, is a North American citizen science survey that runs from December 14th through January 5th each year. Information gathered during these counts helps us to better understand the health and status of bird populations.
Each year, Blue Ridge Discovery Center heads up to the New River CBC, centered around Sparta, NC. All ages and skill levels are welcome to participate! This event is free to all and we’ll make a full day of it.

Nature's Little Elf Workshop
It’s crafts, cocoa and cookies galore at our Nature’s Little Elf Workshop! After picking an elf name, children will have the opportunity to get hands-on with a variety of seasonal crafts. Elf costumes welcome!

Friendsgiving + Annual Meeting
Join us for a potluck meal celebrating another great year!

Mount Rogers Fall Naturalist Rally
Come Join us for the upcoming Mount Rogers Fall Naturalist Rally! Fall is a beautiful time of year in the Blue Ridge. Attend one of the many guided hikes, workshops, and presentations. You won’t want to miss out!

Members Event: Fall Butterfly Count
Join us for our members-only Fall BRDC Butterfly Count through the North American Butterfly Association! A butterfly count is an event that is organized for the purpose of identifying and counting butterflies in a specific geographical area, raising awareness and identifying any changes to butterfly habitats.

Freshwater Snorkeling Program
Ever wonder what lurks beneath the water’s surface? You will be amazed at what you see! Expect an array of colorful native fish from darters to dace, and if you’re lucky you might even find a hellbender or two.

Wilderness Expedition Camp
Our hallmark camp of the year, Wilderness Expedition is a true immersive experience in all things natural history.

50th Annual Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally
Join us for the 50th Annual Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally!

Members Event: Spring Wildflower Walk
Join BRDC for a guided walk looking at the first blooms of the Spring!

BRDC Spring Break Camp
Looking for something to keep your young naturalist engaged during spring break? BRDC is now offering Spring Break Camp from March 25-28, 2024! This is a perfect opportunity for any young naturalist between the ages of 6 and 13 to explore, discover, and share the wonders of the Blue Ridge during the springtime!
Programming topics will include tree study, nature journaling, birding, hiking, pollinators, orienteering, native plants, and more! Activities will take place both indoors and outdoors.

Family Discovery Weekend
Surround your family with the magic of the mountains as you explore, discover, and share the wonders of the Blue Ridge, together.

Members Event: Woodcock Walk DATE CHANGE
Members/Blue Ridge Birders Event: American woodcocks (Scolopax minor), inconspicuous in plumage and behavior, can be difficult to spot throughout the year. During their mating season, however, it is possible to witness the males’ magnificent courtship display at dusk and dawn.

Mount Rogers Winter Naturalist Rally
Join us for our one-day Mount Rogers Winter Naturalist Rally! This event will focus on highlighting the ecology of the Blue Ridge during the winter months, the cultural heritage of the region, and wintertime crafts. Youth programming will be available. Come see the beauty these mountains have to offer!

Burke's Garden Birding Trip 2024
Join us for our annual visit to a rare valley bowl that plays host to the rare wintering birds from the far north including the golden eagle and rough-legged hawk.

BRDC is hosting a Friendsgiving potluck dinner for community members, BRDC members and guests on Thursday, November 13, beginning at 6pm. As the year begins to close, we want to take an evening to join together and share a meal with friends. If you haven’t had time to visit, this will be a great opportunity to tour the newly restored Schoolhouse. Please bring your favorite dish!
To register, please email us at info@blueridgediscoverycenter.org.

MEMBER EVENT - Native Seed Saving Workshop
Come join us for our Fall Native Seed Saving Workshop! BRDC Members will walk around the property assisting in the collection of native plant seeds. These seeds will be processed and packaged to allow for the continued propagation of regionally significant plants for further habitat development on campus. Participants will also be able to bring some seeds home for their own garden!
Contact us via email at info@blueridgediscoverycenter.org to register!

BRDC Thanks YOU with an Open House
Join us Sunday, October 15th for a THANK YOU and Open House with Schoolhouse Tours, Nature Walks, and light snacks from 2:00 - 4:00pm.
Bring a story or small momento to seal away in a time capsule as we commence the next step in our journey: Filling the Schoolhouse!
2023 Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch CANCELED!! PARKWAY CLOSED!!
View thousands of raptors as they soar over Mahogany Rock in their annual migration south!

Mount Rogers Summer Naturalist Rally
Join us for our Mount Rogers Summer Naturalist Rally.

Blue Ridge Birders - Rural Retreat Lake
BRB will host a field trip to Rural Retreat Lake on Friday, July 21st. Allen Boynton will be the guide for morning birding. We will meet at the parking lot by the swimming pool at 7:30 a.m. It is important to get there early before boaters hit the lake. We should be done by 11:00 a.m..
Please let us know if you plan to attend (info@bueridgediscoverycenter.org) and the number in your party. If the group size goes over 12, we need to get a group activity permit from the Department of Wildlife Resources.
We will look for summer season birds like Bald Eagle, Green Heron, Great Blue Heron, American Kestrel, Willow Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, Eastern Meadowlark, Orchard Oriole, Baltimore Oriole, Yellow Warbler, and Common Yellowthroat.

Blue Ridge Birders - Mount Rogers High Country
BRB will host a field trip to the high country on Sunday, July 16th. BRDC Staff will be the guides for morning birding. We will meet at the Blue Ridge Discovery Center parking lot at 7:45 a.m.
Please let us know if you plan to attend and the number in your party at info@blueridgediscoverycenter.org
We will look for summer season birds like Vesper Sparrow, Least Flycatcher, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Magnolia Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Canada Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Golden-crowned Kinglet, and Winter Wren.

Burke's Garden Birding Trip with Blue Ridge Birders
Blue Ridge Birders and Blue Ridge Discovery Center will conduct a Burkes Garden field trip on Tuesday, June 13th.

Butterfly Count
Join us for our Summer BRDC Butterfly Count through the North American Butterfly Association!

Spring Birding Hike
Avid Birder, Allen Boynton will lead a Spring Birding Hike to see neotropical migrants in the area.

Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally
The Spring Rally gives us a chance to explore Mt. Rogers.

Spring Wildflower Walk
Spring wildflower hike. Meet at BRDC at 10 am. Email kdoyle@blueridgediscoverycenter.org for more information and to register.