Deciphering Nature's Signs
Nature Notes Bill Dunson Nature Notes Bill Dunson

Deciphering Nature's Signs

So much is happening in nature and in our human constructed world that we tend to ignore some of the most obvious events of the natural world.  Plus there are literally thousands of sights and sounds vying for our attention and it takes a significant effort of will to focus and be observant.  A certain training of the mind helps in watching even subconsciously for important clues and selecting them from the background "noise." 

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New River Expedition- Summer Fun!
Summer Camp Aaron Floyd Summer Camp Aaron Floyd

New River Expedition- Summer Fun!

There is no grander journey than pushing off from shore in a boat on a one-way trip to wherever the current carries you! On July 14, intrepid explorers from throughout the region did just that. Launching our kayaks and canoes from the King's Creek access along the South Fork of the New River, we began a four day journey down the currents of the New. With the guides paddling the canoes full of gear, the kids were free to explore the river at their own pace.

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Lepidopteras on Display
Nature Notes Bill Dunson Nature Notes Bill Dunson

Lepidopteras on Display

In late July on our VA farm, the predominant color of the landscape is GREEN!  But our 10 year old pollinator field is now predominantly yellow with the blooms of oxeye sunflower.  This is a table set for the multitude of mouths of the lepidopterans (butterflies and moths), which are a prime food for birds. 

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Pollinator Fields in Their Glory
Nature Notes Bill Dunson Nature Notes Bill Dunson

Pollinator Fields in Their Glory

In general I do not recommend trying to improve on nature beyond the boundaries of the yard since the beauty of natural scenes is often incomparable.  However creation of a Pollinator Field from a portion of hay fields or pastures or even yards can provide habitat for pollinators such as butterflies and bees, while also providing enjoyment to the land owner.

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Lab Girl
Book Club BRDC, Admin Book Club BRDC, Admin

Lab Girl

"Lab Girl is a book about work, love, and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren’s remarkable stories: about her childhood in rural Minnesota with an uncompromising mother and a father who encouraged hours of play in his classroom’s labs; about how she found a sanctuary in science, and learned to perform lab work done “with both the heart and the hands”; and about the inevitable disappointments, but also the triumphs and exhilarating discoveries, of scientific work."

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Blue Ridge Explorers Overnight Camp
Summer Camp Aaron Floyd Summer Camp Aaron Floyd

Blue Ridge Explorers Overnight Camp

Fourteen intrepid explorers joined BRDC for four days and three nights of adventure packed fun during the Blue Ridge Explorers Camp. We kayaked, hike Whitetop Mountain, and swam in the New River, but most importantly we learned what it means to be a Naturalist. 

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June is a Frenzy of Life
Nature Notes Bill Dunson Nature Notes Bill Dunson

June is a Frenzy of Life

Here on our VA Blue Ridge Mountain farm, June is a time of rebirth and renewal in nature.  Creatures seem to be in a rush to breed and of course must consume many resources to raise their young.  It is a life and death struggle but an absolutely spectacular show for the nature lover.

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