The Power of Owl Pellets
Blue Ridge Birders, School Programs BRDC, Admin Blue Ridge Birders, School Programs BRDC, Admin

The Power of Owl Pellets

During the first week of November, Grayson County 4-H and BRDC teamed up to bring all of the 4th graders across Grayson County our famous owl pellet program. 

It always begins with ew, yuck and gross, because the idea of dissecting something that was once inside a living bird, summons visions of poop or puke. We explain that an owl pellet is similar to a fur ball your house cat occasionally coughs up. 

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Whitetop Mountain Fieldtrip
School Programs BRDC, Admin School Programs BRDC, Admin

Whitetop Mountain Fieldtrip

After a week of teaching Galax Middle School kids the fundamentals of compass and map use, and working with another group on basic bird identification, these two outdoor classes hopped on a school bus to rendezvous at Whitetop Mountain for a five mile hike. 

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Galax Middle School Explores Dunson Farm
School Programs BRDC, Admin School Programs BRDC, Admin

Galax Middle School Explores Dunson Farm

On Saturday, September 24th, an enthusiastic group of Galax Middle School students visited Bill and Margaret Dunson’s Baywood farm just a few miles west of Galax.  The Dunsons bought this farm with the intention of converting it from agricultural use to a wildlife resource, with improving bird habitat as the guiding principle. They have returned fields to a more natural sequence of seasonal grasses and wildflowers with an emphasis on native plants. A series of small ponds dot the landscape, some with fish and some without, to demonstrate the impact fish have on various aquatic insects and to illustrate the contrasts.

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Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch
School Programs Aaron Floyd School Programs Aaron Floyd

Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch

On September 23, thirty seventh graders from Grayson County Public Schools attended the Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch to experience the niche dedication of Hawk Counters and the mass migration of Broad-winged Hawks. Jim Keighton from the Blue Ridge Birders has been recording the migration of birds of prey for nearly twenty years! Each fall Jim sets up his swivel chair and interpretive displays along the parkway and begins scanning the sky. Not only does he diligently track the migration but he also takes the time to educate the passerby about the migration occurring overhead. 

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Grayson County K-2 Reading Program
School Programs BRDC, Admin School Programs BRDC, Admin

Grayson County K-2 Reading Program

BRDC's newest in-school K-2 Reading Program, began last week with Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Bishop's 1st grade classes at Independence Elementary.  Our program volunteer Sarah Osborne read the book Monarch and Milkweed and discussed with students the importance of milkweed to the Monarch Butterfly. 

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BRDC Partners with Grayson County Schools
School Programs BRDC, Admin School Programs BRDC, Admin

BRDC Partners with Grayson County Schools

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Grayson County Public Schools to connect local youth to the Blue Ridge through hands-on programs with students, providing grade specific SOL’s and STEM learning concepts.  The $10,000 award from Grayson County Schools for the 2016-17 school year, supported by matching funds and volunteer support from BRDC, will reach students across the school system and enrich the public school experience through hands-on and interest-driven activities.  

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Impromtu Fly Fishing Camp!
Summer Camp, School Programs Aaron Floyd Summer Camp, School Programs Aaron Floyd

Impromtu Fly Fishing Camp!

At the request of a couple of campers from a previous camp we put together another Fly Fishing Camp to end the summer. Shortened by a day, it became an action packed three day initiation by fire. On the ride to camp we all agreed to treat this as an intensive course rather than the typical shenanigans of a summer camp. The result was one seriously focused group of kids.

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