New River Expedition Recap
The first New River Expedition of 2023 is already over! Check out our recap of the trip!

2023 BRDC Summer Camps
Sign your young nature-lover up for one of our overnight summer camps!

2023 Summer Camp Sign Ups are Still Open
Youth ages 6-17 will benefit from Blue Ridge Discover Center’s unique approach to summertime experiences.

Sign up for 2023 Summer Camp today!
We are excited to announce that registrations for the 2023 Summer Programs and Overnight Adventures are now OPEN to the public!

2022 Summer Camp Registrations Are OPEN!
Registrations are now open for 2022 Summer Camps.

Summer Camp Wrap-Up
As summer 2021 closes in, so do BRDC’s summer camps. The camps may have only lasted 4-5 days, but the camaraderie and memories will last a lifetime. Each camp brought unique experiences and challenges, as well as new skills and admiration of the Blue Ridge.
New River Expedition 2018!
Being in the thick of winter we thought it might be a good time to compile the footage from our New River Expedition last summer, when the days were hot, long, and filled with all sorts of fun!

An Expedition on the New
Carrying all provisions in canoes and kayaks, camping at canoe-in-only campgrounds or on private, remote islands allowed these campers to see and experience the beauty and tranquility of the New River.

Travel Down the Rapids of the New
New River Expedition: Wed-Sat, July 19-22 for ages 12-15. Want to experience a true river expedition? Join our crew and travel down the rapids of the New River while pitching camp on remote islands!