Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally
All in all, the 49th annual Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally was an inspiring weekend of sharing through exploration and discovery of the wonders of the Blue Ridge.
Kicking Off a Summer of Discovery
From festival to forest to field, there is much to discover across the Blue Ridge during the summer. Check out what we have been up to with our friends!

KTS Historic Photos
Recently we were gifted a treasure trove of over 500 historic photos of the old Konnarock Training School by Sheila (Blevins) Brown and the Blevins family. The three albums appear to have been compiled over the lifespan of the school, from 1924-1959, with photographs ranging from the construction of the facility to field trips up Whitetop Mountain to yearbook-style portraits.

A Reunion of the Konnarock Training School Alumni
Blue Ridge Discovery Center and the Konnarock Retreat House hosted the alumni of the Historic Konnarock Training School and their families on July 7th, 2018. Since the 1960's this group has been getting together to share stories and pass down the oral history of the KTS.

Cottage Renovations Underway
Over the past month, Blue Ridge Discovery Center has begun renovations on the cottage adjacent to our center! Our aim is to move our offices out there by the Spring Naturalist Rally in early May and set up shop!

Our Future Center
Today, Blue Ridge Discovery Center is very excited to announce the site of our future home. In partnership with the Konnarock Retreat House, BRDC has received the generous contribution of the historic Konnarock Training School, in Konnarock, VA.

Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally
Although the weather kept some away, the 43rd annual Mount Rogers Naturalist Rally drew a large crowd of enthusiastic participants during the second weekend in May. Field trips on Saturday included several new opportunities such as Caving, Intro to Birding and Ecology of Grassy Balds, while many of the tried and true trips from the past also remained popular. With the rain giving way to cloudy skies and even a little bit of sunshine, conditions were wet but good for the hearty naturalist who didn’t mind a little mud.

2016 Mt. Rogers Naturalist Rally
What a fantastic Rally weekend! There was so much to explore and share!