Mount Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally
Although the weather kept some away, the 43rd annual Mount Rogers Naturalist Rally drew a large crowd of enthusiastic participants during the second weekend in May. Field trips on Saturday included several new opportunities such as Caving, Intro to Birding and Ecology of Grassy Balds, while many of the tried and true trips from the past also remained popular. With the rain giving way to cloudy skies and even a little bit of sunshine, conditions were wet but good for the hearty naturalist who didn’t mind a little mud.

Mt Rogers Spring Naturalist Rally May 12-14!
Three days of exploration & discovery for all ages!
Bring your family and celebrate Mother's Day in the most beautiful place on Earth. There is something for the entire family to enjoy with an expert speaker Friday Night, trips Saturday and Sunday, and nighttime programs at the campground. Topics include salamanders, wildflowers, geology, birding, cultural history, mammals, medicinal plants, natural history and much, much more!

Mt Rogers Naturalist Rally Featured Speaker
Three days of exploration & discovery for all ages! Bring your family and celebrate Mother's Day in the most beautiful place on Earth. There is something for the entire family to enjoy with field trips Saturday and Sunday, an expert speaker Friday Night and nighttime programs at the campground. Topics include salamanders, wildflowers, geology, birding, fishing, cultural history, mammals, medicinal plants, general natural history and much, much more!