Expert Guides "Rally" for MRNR Webinars
Artist and MRNR Guide Suzanne Stryk with sketchbook.
The heart of the Mt. Rogers Naturalist Rally lies in the naturalists: those who participate and those who share their areas of expertise with others by guiding field trips. For our first ever Mt. Rogers Naturalist Rally: Backyard Edition, some of our favorite MRNR guides will be leading programs remotely to get you inspired and engaged in the wonders of the place you call home.
All registered MRNR participants will have access to the following webinars:
Rally Kick-off
May 1st @ 11:00 am Hosted by BRDC Director, Aaron Floyd and Presenter Cade Campbell
Barbara Kingsolver Poetry Reading
May 8th @ 7:00 pm Featured Speaker Join us at 7:00 pm to catch the only public preview of Ms. Kingsolver’s forthcoming poetry book before its release! Grand prize raffle drawing to follow poetry reading.
May 9th @ 9:00 am Explore the incredible salamander diversity that Virginia has to offer with Dr. Kevin Hamed, Collegiate Assistant Professor of Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech.
Observations Through Art
May 9th @ 11:00 am Artist Suzanne Stryk will lead a zoom session designed to enhance your observational skills and record your experiences in the natural world. Have a paper and pencil ready along with something to draw, such as a pod, feather, shell, or bug. See Suzanne’s work, including her series Notes on the State of Virginia at
Life History of the Carolina Wren
May 9th @ 2:00 pm Join Dr. Steven Hopp of Emory and Henry College and BRDC in an online web discussion to explore the life strategy of a favorite backyard bird, the Carolina wren. We will take a close look at how they live, how to recognize them, and use it as a reference point to talk about other birds in our region.
VA Breeding Bird Atlas Workshop
May 10th @ 9:00 am Interested in helping to further the scientific community’s understanding of bird distribution and breeding activities? Learn about how to contribute to Virginia’s 2nd Breeding Bird Atlas project with Dr. Ashley Peele, the Coordinator of the program and Avian Ecologist with Virginia Tech.
Edible Wild Plants from Backyard to Backwoods
May 10th @ 11:00 am Useful plants are everywhere in every season! Join Ben Casteel, VHCC and 2006 AT thru-hiker, for a webinar focusing on plants and fungi that can be used for food, fiber, and medicine.
Pollinators and Native Plants
May 10th @ 2:00 pm Nancy Adamson, Xerces Society’s Senior Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Southeastern Region, will be discussing the importance of pollinators and the vital role native plants play in their lives.
Time & Date TBD With entomologist Shawn Kurtzman.
Raffle & Giveaway Winners Announced Live Daily
May 2nd-8th @ 11:46 am Purchase raffle tickets to participate in the MRNR Raffle. Make at least one observation under the iNaturalist project “Mt. Rogers Naturalist Rally: Backyard Edition” each day to be entered to win a BRDC Species Shirt. Then tune in to our Instagram or Facebook page at 11:46 am May 2nd-8th to see if you’ve won! Why 11:46? BRDC is 11 years old and the MRNR is 46 years old!