Explorers Club Hike to Cascade Falls
13 Explorers hiked to Cascade Falls in Giles County last Saturday. It started out a cold, misty morning, but quickly warmed as the group made their way up the trail following Big Stony Creek over many rock steps and bridges. There were a great many cascades to explore along the way, and a beautiful display of fall color overhead. Along the way, the group collected a variety of leaves for later identification.

Near the falls, the sun began to peek over the ridge and fill the valley with glowing colors reflecting off the trees and water. Everyone agreed this is one of the best waterfalls in the east.
After returning to the trailhead, folks gathered around a flat rock to identify the leaves collected along the trail, which included American beech, basswood, black oak, black walnut, chestnut oak, hickory, lady fern, marginal wood fern, pipevine, red maple, red oak, sassafras, striped maple, sugar maple, sycamore, tulip poplar, white oak, and witch hazel.
Special thanks to BRDC volunteer Bonnie Hamilton for leading this trip.