Fished Wilson Creek Tenkara Style
Tenkara is a traditional type of fly fishing practiced in Japan for hundreds of years. The rod is telescoping and has no reel making it an excellent choice for fishing our mountain trout streams. Amelia Hulth with the Grayson Highland State Park, graciously arranged an eager group to join us for a lesson on Tenkara fly fishing on Wilson Creek Friday, August 21.
Aaron Floyd and myself were joined by two women, a gentleman and three of his sons along Wilson Creek Trail to learn about Tenkara. After some introductory information about Tenkara and fly fishing, fly imitation and reading water for brook trout, we commenced to casting lessons stream side. Everyone picked up the technique quickly and efficiently.
We hiked along the trail in search of accessible pools in which to encounter the elusive brook trout. Separating into small groups, we took turns casting into the pools and runs in the hope of catching this beauty of a trout. The boys climbed rocks and falls (almost as much fun as fishing...almost) in order to reach a great hole. They stalked, in true form, a big brookie from the ledge up above. The fish took but the set was missed. A classic brook trout moment! All the fishers got their flies on target but to our dismay, they landed no fish.
Our infamous guide and seasoned Tenkara fly fisherman, Aaron saved the day with a catch. Everyone left with new skills: Tenkara fly fishing, knot tying, and how to remove their fly from a tree. But most importantly, how much beauty a mountain stream can hold and how simple it is to enjoy it.
Rainbow Trout